Balloon Tennis

Residents enjoy a game of balloon tennins usinf fly swatters as raquets.

The residents enjoy a game of balloon Tennis (or is it Badminton?) in the lounge. Who knew that is how you use a fly swat?

Two residents battle it out for control of the balloon!
These two look like they are in fierce competition!

Wild Science visit

Wild Science brought a selection of animals for the residents to interact with. Activities Coordinator Eleni said “the residents really enjoyed the experience and were all very engaged; it was lovely to see”. Below is a resident with Quinn the guinea pig.

Resident holding a guinea pig

Resident with a skink

Randal the skink, Monty the corn snake

Manager Mel with a snake

New Sponsorship

The Manor House is proud to announce a new sponsorship deal with the Radcliffe Olympic girls’ U13 football team. the home is sponsoring the away strip which now displays a logo and the Radcliffe Manor House name. By sponsoring the team we are making links between the generations and because our name is on the away shirts, we will be seen accoss the county when the girls are playing away from home. Last year the home sponsored the U10 boys team and our name appears on their home shirts ensuring that locals people are aware of their not for profit care home in the heart of the community.