On Tuesday 19th November both Eleni & Karen were runners up in the Nottinghamshire Proud to Care awards. The event was held at Eastwood Hall Hotel. This is an incredible achievement and both were up against stiff competition. Both Eleni and Karen have been given £50 vouchers and can be seen here at the event with their certificates. The event was attended by Michelle as part of the management team (also pictured) and our Chair (Sue Clegg) and Treasurer (Gillian Dunn) from the management committee were also proud to be there to support and cheer our staff on at the event. The Manor House is lucky to have such dedicated staff and we hope to be able to nominate more from our great team next year. Everyone would like offer our sincere congratulations and we would like to encourage all the people we support, as well as their families and friends to take a look at the Proud to Care awards.
Author Archive: Beverley Lawe
Hartwell Trust Give a Second Grant to The Manor House

Carol Chambers returned to the Manor House with a cheque for £5000. The charity has made a number of grants locally as the charity is closed. The money is specifically for the benefit of the residents and will be ‘ring-fenced’ to be used when the need arises. Carol is seen here handing the funds over to Chair – Sue Clegg, accompanied by members of the management committee following a regular management meeting.
Nottingham Proud to Care Awards 2024

The Manor House is thrilled to announce that two of our staff have been nominated and shortlisted for the above awards. Eleni our activities coordinator is nominated for ‘Champion of Activities and Wellbeing’ and Karen is nominated for ‘Office and Operational Staff Member’. They will be attending the awards ceremony on November 12th. Everyone at the home is excited and justifiably ‘Proud’, we’ve got everything crossed!
Manor House wins at the Carnival
The Manor House was awarded 2nd prize in the ‘Best Dressed Stall. On July 13th the Manor House presented a stall at Radcliffe Carnival; the theme was ‘Amazing Animals’. Over the years the Manor House has had visits from a wide variety of animals which provide multisensory experiences for residents and staff alike. Representatives from the trustees put together and provided support at the stall. Photos of our various visiting animals were prominent on our display boards and in honour of the ducklings born at the Manor House earlier this year, the stall also had a small hook a duck to draw children into the stall. This was a great opportunity to interact with local people and promote not only the facilities offered at the home, but also job opportunities.
Garden Party 2024
Yet again the weather was kind for the annual garden party at the Manor House. This year the ducklings born at the Manor House made a return with guests invited to feed them. The cream teas made by our cook Shelly were as popular as last year. There were activities and stalls to please all ages.
Our Sponsored Football Teams Raise over £50 at Garden Party
On 6th July the Manor House hosted it’s annual garden party; representatives from our sponsored football teams brought along a goal and a digital speed camera so youngsters could find out how fast they can kick a football into the goal. Participants paid £1 for 3 kicks of the ball and have their time recorded and all were rewarded with a lollipop. At the end of the afternoon the footballers had raised over £50 for the Manor House and the fastest kickers were revealed. The girl with the fastest kick on the afternoon was Isla Cooke-Smith with a kick of 73 km/per hour. The fastest boy was Jonno Smith with a speed of 93 km/per hour.
Manor house Runs Community Cafe
On Saturday 20th April, the Manor House was allowed to run the Community Cafe at the Methodist Church. Lots of posters were put up around the village in advance of the event and friends donated cakes on the day. Members of our sponsored U13 Girls Football team were also on hand to help customers and keep the tables clear as new consumers arrived. The cafe was very busy and some Manor House residents made their way there too. Eleni also assisted some of our less mobile to attend and she enjoyed refreshments with a number of our residents.
Spring Has Sprung

On Tuesday 9th April the Manor House took delivery of five duck eggs. Today three have hatched and can be seen here in the incubator. Keep watching this space.
Hartwell Trust gift to the Manor House

Sue Clegg our chair of the management committee can be seen here receiving a cheque for £2000 from Carol Chambers of the Hartwell Trust. This is a local charity whose purpose is the relief of those in need “by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage, either generally or individually, of people living in the parish of Radcliffe on Trent”. The money will be used to refurbish the courtyard area and impove the raised beds for the benefit of the residents.
The fur is flying
Fur, feathers and prickles; it was all on show at the Manor house recently. Plop the owl is pictured here with Lance; one of our carers. Ark Farm (very apt after all the rain we’ve had) brought in all the animals. Brian looks quite at home with Plop and the other animals were lapping up the attention of many of our residents.
Colin Jackson returns

Colin Jackson who starred at the Garden Party in July returned to the Manor House recently. This time Colin sang in the lounge to bring some warmth on a cold winter’s day for our residents.
Greetings from Slovakia

Pictured here is Katarina who works at the Manor House; her sister works in a school in Slovakia. Katarina has, via her sister invited the children to send messages to our residents here in Radcliffe. The display being read by one of our residents is just one of the many ways we keep our residents in touch with people of all ages and cultures. At the Manor House we recognise the importance of stimulation and social mixing.