The Manor House is an accredited Living Wage Employer

Radcliffe Manor House Believes - a quote from Ghandi

We are pleased to announce that we are now recognised by the Living Wage Foundation; we pay all our employees at least the living wage and not just the minimum wage. For us to retain our staff and provide continuity of care to our residents we recognise that pay is part of the package which helps us to achieve this. We are proud to have this accreditation as it puts us in a group of only 21 (care providers) in the East Midlands; the vast majority of whom are private sector profit driven organisations. You can visit the Living Wage Foundation website here.

Garden Party returns

On 15th July the manor house hosted the first garden party since COVID. Lots of people turned out to join residents and staff. There was a singer, pony rides, balloon sculpture, cream teas as well as the usual stalls. Members of our two sponsored football teams turned up with a goal to give children the opportunity to try and score against them.

Girls’ Football team visit Manor House

On Sunday 26th March the Radcliffe Olympic U13 Girls’ team were finally able to visit the Manor House. Covid and bad weather has thwarted several attemps to show off the shirts sponsored by the Manor House. The girls arrived after their away match at Edwalton. The Manor House sponsors the away strip for the team. The girls demostrated some of their skills in the garden in front of residents, some of whom watched from inside and others as you can see, braved the elements outside. The Manor House enjoys many visitors, but it is always a joy for both the elderly residents and the young to interact with each other.

Before the team left they enjoyed a refreshing drink and cakes in the garden

Balloon Tennis

Residents enjoy a game of balloon tennins usinf fly swatters as raquets.

The residents enjoy a game of balloon Tennis (or is it Badminton?) in the lounge. Who knew that is how you use a fly swat?

Two residents battle it out for control of the balloon!
These two look like they are in fierce competition!

Wild Science visit

Wild Science brought a selection of animals for the residents to interact with. Activities Coordinator Eleni said “the residents really enjoyed the experience and were all very engaged; it was lovely to see”. Below is a resident with Quinn the guinea pig.

Resident holding a guinea pig

Resident with a skink

Randal the skink, Monty the corn snake

Manager Mel with a snake